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Wednesday, 29 August 2012 14:57

Lee - Safety And Health Of Workers Vital

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New Sabah Times, 29th August, 2012

KUNDASANG: Although the country’s industrial accident rate has been halved in the past 10 years, there is still a need to build and foster an occupational safety and health (OSH) culture and strive towards an accident-free workplace environment.

Speaking at a press conference after the launching of an OSHseminar for the tourism industry in Sabah here yesterday, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said the latest statistics from the Ministry of Human Resources should that the industrial accident rate had fallen from 10.3 cases for every 1,000 workers in 2002 to 5.72 cases last year.

He said this reflected the commitment and joint efforts by the government, employers and employees to reduce workplace accidents.

“While we are pleased to note the success of the joint efforts by all parties concerned, the biggest challenge remains that we only should further reduce the accident rate but also to build and foster an OSH culture in Malaysia.

“For a start, we need to benchmark ourselves against the developed countries which only have 3-4 accidents per 1,000 workers,” he said.

The Occupational Safety and Health Master Plan 2010-2015, he stressed, must be given utmost attention by all parties concerned to achieve further reduction in the rate of industrial accidents.

Lee also said companies must not profit at the expense of safety because if accidents occurred, lives may be lost and productivity would be affected.

“AS such, OSH ownership in every organisation is of paramount importance,” he said, adding that the focal point of safety was the human being or the employee who needed protection.

An accident prevention coupled with an OSH management strategy should therefore be adopted by all companies.

And, to achieve the total promotion of safety and health at work and elsewhere, organisational measures for accident prevention, motivation and behavioural change must be adopted.

Lee added that it was the responsibility of management to ensure that safety became a culture at their organisation and not just a priority.

“There is an urgent need to translate OSH knowledge into behaviour and practical application. OSH sloganeering is not the answer. We must avoid a situation where behind all the OSHbanners and signages, the workplace hazards are not addressed and controlled,” he said.

In this time of global competition and sweeping change, it is not enough for companies to make safety a priority.

Priorities change but cultures stand the test of time and safety must be a culture and a core value at the workplace.

He said managing occupational safety and health towards business competitiveness was very important and that employers must see training as an investment and not an expense.

“Management or employers must recognise the OSH of employees as an integral part of business management.

“Concerns for the bottom line must be looked at with equal gravity with OSH issues at the workplace. After all they are both concerned with the viability of the business enterprise,” he said.

Lee also said employees were often regarded by management to be the most important asset of any organisation.

“Hence, it makes sense that this particular asset should be protected in terms of health and safety and nurtured to ensure that it continues to be productive,” he said.

Management, he said, must now take a hard look at their asset and actively show how much they valued their employees with a responsible OSH policy backed up by the necessary organisation and system to implement accident prevention programmes.

“Common sense tells us that “safety is good business”. If industries give priority to safety issues at the workplace it will certainly be beneficial to the business,” he said.

The seminar was opened by Kundasang Assemblyman Dr Joachim Gunsalam on behalf the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment Dsatuk Masidi Manjun.

Also present were NIOSH Sabah regional manager Mohd Hussin Salam, Tourism Ministry’s permanent secretary Datuk Michael Emban and Ranau assistant district officer Bernard Kimin.

Lee (2nd left), flanked by Hussin (left) Dr Joachim (3rd left), Michael and Bernard (right) at the press conference

Sunday, 29 April 2012 12:27

Pembinaan Paling Tinggi Kemalangan

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BANGI: Industri pembinaan menyumbang kepada jumlah paling tinggi kemalangan dan kecederaan di tempat kerja iaitu kirakira 4,665 kes daripada angka keseluruhan 35,616 kejadian malang itu sepanjang 2010.

Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, berkata industri perkhidmatan membabitkan elektrik, air dan gas pula mencatat jumlah kedua tertinggi kemalangan dan kecederaan di tempat kerja sebanyak 2,819 kes, manakala 599 kes bagi industri pembuatan.

Katanya, jumlah kemalangan dan kecederaan di tempat kerja secara keseluruhan pada 2010, menurun 39,770, iaitu kirakira 50 peratus daripada 75,386 kes berbanding 10 tahun lalu.

"Ini satu perkembangan positif dan penurunan ini dapat dicapai hasil peningkatan tahap kesedaran di kalangan pekerja dan majikan dengan keduadua pihak menunjukkan komitmen kepada keselamatan pekerja.

"Ia juga disebabkan pelbagai usaha ditumpukan kerajaan dalam menangani perkara itu, terutama melalui kempen oleh NIOSH, Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO) dan Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan (DOSH).

"Selain itu, faktor ketiga penurunan itu membabitkan inisiatif majikan yang mengutamakan aspek keselamatan walaupun terpaksa melabur tinggi seperti membeli alat perlindungan diri kepada pekerja," katanya selepas melancarkan Hari Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSH) Sedunia, di bangunan NIOSH, di sini.

Bertemakan `Mempromosi Keselamatan dan Kesihatan dalam Ekonomi Hijau', OSH disambut setiap 28 April untuk mengingatkan golongan pekerja supaya mencegah kemalangan dan penyakit disebabkan pekerjaan, di seluruh dunia.

Sementara itu, beliau berkata kira-kira 20 sekolah menengah di Lembah Klang sudah membabitkan diri dalam program OSH anjuran NIOSH di sekolah, sejak diperkenalkan Mac lalu.

Katanya, program itu bagi memberi kesedaran melalui kempen kepada pelajar untuk mengelak berlaku kemalangan di beberapa tempat di sekolah seperti di kelas dan makmal akibat kecuaian atau kerosakan infrastruktur yang mampu mengancam nyawa.

"Bagi mengelak kemalangan kepada pelajar sama ada di sekolah atau aktiviti luar sekolah, guru juga disaran mempertingkatkan pengetahuan dalam OSH bagi mengelak berlaku kejadian tidak diingini kepada pelajar seperti pelajar terkena api dan melecur teruk ketika mengikuti perkhemahan, " katanya.

Thursday, 26 April 2012 15:54

Nahas Industri Menurun 50%

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Utusan Malaysia - 26 April 2012

KUALA LUMPUR 26 April - Kadar kemalangan dan kecederaan di tempat kerja mencatat penurunan sebanyak 50 peratus pada 2010 berbanding 10 tahun lalu.

Pengerusi Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH), Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye (gambar) berkata, berdasarkan data dari Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (Perkeso), sebanyak 35,616 kes kemalangan perindustrian dilaporkan pada tahun 2010 berbanding 75,386 kes pada 2000.

“Kes-kes kemalangan itu melibatkan sektor perkilangan sebanyak 599 kes, pembinaan (4,665 kes) dan perkhidmatan (2,819 kes). Penurunan ini adalah satu perkembangan yang amat positif.

“Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kadar kemalangan perindustrian berkurangan ialah kerjasama antara kerajaan, NIOSH, Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (DOSH) dan Perkeso yang bergerak sebagai satu pasukan dalam membawa kesedaran mengenai isu ini kepada pihak majikan dan pekerja," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar selepas melancarkan Hari Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Dunia 2012 peringkat NIOSH di Bandar Baru Bangi dekat sini hari ini.

Turut hadir penceramah dari Jabatan Perlindungan Buruh dan Kebajikan Thailand, Dr. Keson Theppeang dan Pengarah Eksekutif NIOSH, Rosli Hussin.

Lam Thye berkata, pihak majikan kini lebih fokus dan sedia melabur di dalam semua aspek berkenaan sama ada keselamatan atau kesihatan untuk pekerja.

Dalam pada itu menurut beliau, tema untuk tahun ini iaitu Mempromosikan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pada Ekonomi Hijau adalah selaras dengan objektif NIOSH yang menegaskan betapa pentingnya untuk mewujudkan satu persekitaran mampan, hijau dan banyak peluang pekerjaan menggunakan teknologi hijau.

KOTA KINABALU, Feb 28 (Bernama)

Media practitioners who report on Occupational Safety and Health need to be given an opportunity to understand aspects of OSH to depart correct information to the public.

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said many journalists and photographers had concerns regarding work assignments, particularly the pressure in obtaining a scoop without considering the risks they may be exposed to.

"Media organizations compete dynamically about who can transmit the latest news and events as they unfold, taking an advantage over competitors in securing a scoop and being the first on the scene.

"Some journalists, photographers and camera operators may unintentionally imperil their lives for sensational reports and images," he said when opening a seminar on Occupational Safety and Health for the Media here Tuesday.

Although Malaysia saw its first journalist die in Mogadishu in September last year, Lee reminded media practitioners to take precautions regardless of time and place.


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